Sunday, February 26, 2012

Looking Into a Marriage Breakdown

If you are a person who takes vows seriously, trying your hardest to get past marriage breakdown then you will probably be willing to work even harder to save a wonderful marriage. The following article by Ryan Nick Richards will resountsome steps you should take. 

   .  .  .  June  Marriage In Crisis


Looking Into a Marriage Breakdown

You've seen it before, a marriage breakdown. It may not have even been you, but maybe your parents, or a friend's parents. Perhaps even a friend and their spouse. But no matter where you've seen a marriage breakdown, you will decide at that point it's something you will never hope to experience for yourself.

When you've witnessed the marital breakdown the chances are in most cases you don't even know what has lead to the problems. A lot of people will not discuss their private lives with even close friends. It's something that just happens; they may feel like they would burden you too much.

If it was your parents, you may have found out many of the problems that caused the marriage breakdown. But it's pretty hard not too as your listening to them yell most of the time around you. As a child there isn't much that you can do to help out, but just sit and hope your parents will make it through these times.

It's hard for your parents to realize exactly what this marriage breakdown is doing to you. In fact in most cases they are so unhappy they have a hard time looking past their own feelings. That doesn't mean they don't love you. Many kids who have experienced a divorce though will feel that they may have caused the problems, making them feel worthless.

As a parent who's gone through a marriage breakdown and have children involved, you need to make sure how your children feel. Go and talk to them, even as they get older so you can make sure they never feel that your divorce was caused by them. This could help cure the need for years of counseling that may arise if you don't go and talk to them.

Sadly though many children will go through this divorce process, as they watch parents head down the road of marriage breakdown. Alarmingly, divorce seems to be so accepted by people anymore that many parents don't even seem to fight to save their marriages anymore. It's sad that an institution that was once held so high has gone to such a low level.

Yes there are still people out there that will hold marriage where it should be. Taking their vows seriously, and realizing that they can't just give up at the first sign of marriage breakdown. That they do need to get help, be it by a book, or through a counselor.

Hopefully, you are a person who takes the vows for what they are, trying your hardest to get past marriage breakdown. Even when you want to say it's over, work harder to save a wonderful marriage. Or decide that you just messed up in the beginning, and got married for the wrong reason. It seems like that happens quite a bit in life now too. Marriage breakdown can lead to divorce, and this is something that many people have gone through before. It's also something that will not go away.

Nick Richards' career is based on helping couples reunite. Every couple is different, but his advice applies to all relationships.


More advice on saving your marriage from marriage breakdown is available at Save A Failing Marriage and at How Do I Save My Marriage


Friday, February 24, 2012

Save Your Marriage From Marriage Breakdown

Is marriage breakdown threatening your relationship? It's a dreadful time when relationships are so uncomfortable that you avoid one another. The problem is that unless you cool down and communicate with one another, the underlying problems don't get resolved. The following articles give out some great advice on how to avoid marriage breakdown.

    .  .  .  June  Marriage In Crisis



Advice On Marriage Breakdown - 3 Tips To Help Rescue Your Marriage

Are you looking for some advice on marriage breakdown? Well look no further. Here are 3 tips you can use to help rescue your marriage...

Tip #1: Keep believing that there is hope for your marriage.
You can turn this situation around. So many marriages die because one person believed the other person who said "it's over." This is a case of choosing to believe the wrong person. Be smart and make your own decisions about whether there is hope for you marriage by doing your own research.

Look for stories and examples of couples who almost got divorced and are now still happily married. Gather all the evidence you need to convince yourself that there is hope for your marriage. Ignore all naysayers.

Tip #2: Figure out whether your marriage is worth saving to you.
A marriage breaks down for many reasons. It could be a result of - lack of communication - ignorance of how to keep the passion alive - busy schedules that prevent you from spending enough time together, etc
Or, there could be deeper, more serious reasons like
  • alcoholism
  • drug addiction
  • violence at home
  • cheating, etc
Ultimately, you need to figure out for yourself what your deal-breakers in marriage are. Only you know what is best for you, but you need to ask yourself whether you feel that this marriage is worth saving. Before that, your efforts to save your marriage are likely to be half-hearted and ineffective.

Tip #3: Keep changing your strategy.
To successfully save a marriage breakdown, there are two things you need to possess:
  1. the right plan and
  2. the proper attitude.
So many marriages fail because one of these ingredients were lacking.
Think about it: You can spend a lot of time and energy trying to fix a marriage. But, if you spend all that effort doing the wrong things, it is highly possible that things can get much worse!

On the other hand, if you have a good plan, but never bother to act on it, it's not possible for things in your marriage to change either.

Hence, my advice is to keep changing your strategy. Insanity is doing the same thing everyday while expecting a different result. But please be patient with the process and don't just give up if you don't see instant improvements.

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More advice on saving your marriage from marriage breakdown is available at Save A Failing Marriage and at How Do I Save My Marriage
